.. _project-settings-state: ========== State ========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 A **State** reflects the different steps of a process. .. image:: ./state.png :class: help-tip ---------- Label ---------- This is the label of your State or process step. ---------- Text Color ---------- Text colors is used to enhance the readability for darker background colors with a lighter text color. ---------------- Background Color ---------------- It is a good practice to have different background colors for different **States**. For example 'Handout' and 'In Progress' should have different colors. But you should use the same color for the same **State** over all :doc:`Attributes`. For example 'Animation' and 'Compositing' both have a state 'Handout' and should have the same color. This way you can see the process without having to read the label of each **State**.